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New Members

Hey!  You're reading this so you must have some interest to improve yourself.  New gyms can be intimidating at first.  There are acronyms, weights, loud banging, and exercises you may not have done since elementary school.  Don't sweat it.  There will be plenty of sweating in class.
Our gym is lifting weights with cardio mixed for about an hour class.  The exercises vary every day with an instructor to tell you when you are doing stuff right or wrong.  But they are not judging you, they are just there to help you improve.
Our gym has every age group, in all sizes and shapes.   We have really good athletes and individuals that have not worked out in a while.  Every workout can be adjusted to your abilities (we call this scaling) and the coach will show you how to adjust your workout.
Our gym has a small population trying to improve their lifestyles and is ready to help encourage you on your journey.  
And to encourage you further the first class is free!!  Go to the question tab above and contact us if you have any questions.  
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